
How to Join

All are welcome to join us for our weekly Sabbath Worship Services or participate in our programs and ministries.

Individuals who are interested in becoming members of our church through Baptism should speak with our Pastor or an Elder.

If you are already a baptized Seventh-day Adventist and want to transfer your membership, please contact our Pastor, Head Elder, or Church Clerk with your request.

Bible Studies

If you were a part of another Christian denomination, or are new to Christianity, you may request Bible studies to learn more of what the Seventh-day Adventist Church is all about. Then, depending on your circumstances, you may request to join our church through a Profession of Faith or Baptism to become an official member.

Membership Transfer

If you have moved from another Seventh-day Adventist church, you may request to have your membership transferred. Talk to an Elder or the Church Clerk to learn how.

Worship With Us

Many people join us each week to worship and fellowship by just attending our services. Everyone is welcome! Regular visitors, as well as members, can participate fully in all our services and are welcome to become volunteers. They are also included in our regular church communications. However, only “official” members as allowed to hold a position on the Church Board or vote at Church Business Meetings.


I will praise the lord

with my whole heart.

Ps 111:1

Our Mission Statement

Seek Jesus, Serve Others, and Grow as Disciples that Your Joy May Be Full


Contact Us

Church: (306) 652-8405

Head Elder: (306) 220-6853
